Tuesday, August 7, 2012

N.C. Wildlife Mentoring Campaign

N.C. Wildlife Resources: Hunting Matters Campaign

The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission has a new campaign to for hunters to become a mentor to a new hunter in 2012.  There is additional information on the link above.  This seems like a great way for all of us to give back to the younger generation.  Keeping the youth involved in outdoors is a great way to keep wetland conservation and organizations like Ducks Unlimited going well past our times out in the fields, marshes or swamps.  If you pledge to become a mentor they will also send you a free hat and bumper sticker.

"I hereby pledge to mentor a new hunter (youth or adult) on his or her first hunting trip between August 1 and December 31, 2012 as my contribution to preserving our hunting heritage in North Carolina.”(New hunter is defined as not having hunted in the past).

The majority of all hunters began hunting because someone (a hunting mentor) took the time to introduce them to the activity. Reflect back on the person who introduced you to hunting. If hunting really matters to you, become a hunting mentor and share the tradition. There is no better way to say thanks to the person that mentored you!

Participating mentors will need to complete an on-line campaign registration form. The mentor will receive a FREE hat and bumper sticker by PLEDGING to mentor a new hunter (youth or adult) on his or her first hunting trip between August 1 and December 31, 2012 (see Registration Requirements above).

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